The GREEN W division, created as a result of the logistics activity already carried out in the same sector, intervenes in the recovery and/or disposal of broken and/or damaged photovoltaic panels and/or coming from decommissioning and/or revamping, having the status of waste.
Based on the transposition of European Directive 2024/884, it combines the mere disposal of photovoltaic panels with the recovery of those which, following tests performed, are recoverable for reuse.
Authorized by the Province of Novara with registration in register no. 315/2024, GDC has installed, at its main operating site, a system to test panels intended for reuse.
Disposal, on the other hand, takes place by separating the components present in the photovoltaic modules, aluminum, glass, silicon, various metals and plastic, and reusing them as secondary raw materials (end of waste).